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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: The notion of time in TGD Universe, the causality for experienced time corresponds to that for free will whereas the causality of geometric time corresponds to that of "field equations" and allows no free will, in repeated state func- tion reductions to the same boundary of CD the wave function in moduli space of CDs is subject to dispersion: meaning that the average temporal distance between the tips of CD increases and gives rise to experience about time flow, in TGD framework if zero energy ontology is accepted meaning that memory recall could be understood as communica- tions with geometric past using time reversed negative energy signals, in TGD framework if zero energy ontology is accepted meaning that intentional action could involve signals sent to geometrc past making possible to initiate reaction already in geometric past, THE NOTION OF TIME HAS SEVERAL PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS e.g. there is no understanding about how the arrow of time and temporal localization of contents of sensory ex- perience emer- ges, in TGD framework if zero energy ontology is accepted meaning that state function reduction occurs at either end of CD (positive or negative energy of zero energy state, state function reduction occurs at either end of CD (positive or negative energy of zero energy state which predicts that the arrow of time can change tempo- rarily - say in living systems, in TGD framework if zero energy ontology is accepted meaning that in repeated state func- tion reductions to the same boundary of CD the wave function in moduli space of CDs is subject to dispersion:, state function reduction occurs at either end of CD (positive or negative energy of zero energy state being accompanied by a localization of moduli space wave function to a fixed light-cone boundary, THE NOTION OF TIME HAS SEVERAL PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS which could relate to the basic problem of quantum measurement theory: the non-determinism of state function reduction is in conflict with the determin- ism of Schroedinger equation, THE NOTION OF TIME HAS SEVERAL PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS e.g. experienced time has no future unlike geometric time, in TGD framework if zero energy ontology is accepted meaning that the notion of wave function in the moduli space of causal diamonds (CDs) is introduced, in TGD framework if zero energy ontology is accepted meaning that remote metabolism relying on sending of negative energy to a populatiomn reverted laser like system ser- ving as energy storage becomes possible, THE NOTION OF TIME HAS SEVERAL PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS which might find resolution in TGD framework if zero energy ontology is accepted, in repeated state func- tion reductions to the same boundary of CD the wave function in moduli space of CDs is subject to dispersion: which is a new element not present in standard measurement theory, THE NOTION OF TIME HAS SEVERAL PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS e.g. neuroscience forces to question the naive beliefs about time, intentional action could involve signals sent to geometrc past making possible to initiate reaction already in geometric past explaining Libet's strange findings, THE NOTION OF TIME HAS SEVERAL PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS e.g. the causality for experienced time corresponds to that for free will